Tuesday 10 July 2012

How full is your cup?

Just like asking which one comes first? 
The egg or the chicken?


How full is your cup? 
Half empty? 
Half full?

The fact of the matter is 
there is some water inside the cup. 

The most important question is 
what are you going to do with the water?

Some will throw it away. 
Some will leave it as it is. 
Some will add more water.

It does not really matter 
what you do with the water inside the cup. 

Do as you wish as long as 
we do not break the cup.


We may argue, we may differ.
While doing that, don't break our unity.


  1. baekla pak man.. itu orang ada bg tak cup tu akhirnya pada doketot? kehkehkeh

  2. Its a matter of perception. Do we want to appreciate and be thankful with what we have or pine away for what we do not have or have yet to achieve? Do we want to optimize the talent/skill thats in the cup or let it be. Its hard to maintain a straight line; theres surely some fuzziness in between. As one gets older, one become better at being thankful for what we have, enjoy the moment and be appreciative.we have more time to reflect and reason logically. We also tend to agree to disagree. Differing points of view is a fact of life. If people agree on everything then life would be so boring.Don't take the diagreements and let them eat you up which subsequently will lead to altercations.I, for one, still do not understand how different political outlook can divide up families, relatives, and communites. All politicians are playing some game of some sort. You are deluding yourself if you think your revered political figure is not. Otherwise, they will not be in politics. So we should be able to say with ease- its okay to see the cup in either perspective. All perspectives are acceptable.
