Saturday 23 March 2013

Between your mind and feelings.

You have a view on an issue. The other guy also has a view on that same issue, albeit a different kind of view. You found the view as unacceptable. The other guy disagree with your facts and challenged them. You felt agitated and tried to outwit the other guy.

I believe that most of us had been in that situation before. Either you are YOU or THE OTHER GUY.

First and foremost, comments have always been and will always be based on pre-determined perception or pre-conceived ideas. So, all our commentaries on an issue are conjured up to prove that point.

Speaking up or complaints are done the same way. You would only want to listen to things you want to hear.

Politicians are very good in providing an issue for the public to prove this. They say something for the people to interpret. So, commentaries runs into the hundreds and, believe me, you can improve your vocabulary along the way.

Blind loyalists will enhance what was being said, and sometimes certain cropped up facts were added along the way to support the issue being discussed. They are the true believers so much so that no one or nothing can shake their believe.

The opposing side will find fault. Yes! they are very good in that. This is their area of expertise.You can't challenge them. They have ready answers for all your queries. They answer you back by bombarding you with a barrage of unrelated questions. And you thought they want an answer? No! They already made up their mind and so foolish of you for trying to provide an answer to their questions.

Then come the fence sitters or the non-partisan. You politely chipped in with certain facts to highlight your point. You offer your explanation and it will be ignored as the two opposing sides have made up their mind. Even, an expert opinions, will not shake their believe.

Well, some people they prefer to stick to their believe no matter what. so, it is between what I want to hear and what you want to hear.

It is not about finding the truth after all.

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