Thursday 26 January 2012

11 years ago, today.


I became a father the second time. This time around, I was ready. More alert and better father. Not like when my first born arrived one and a half years earlier.

So, I brought my lovely wife to the hospital. Trying my best to comfort her by joking around. She must be very lucky to have me as i was, and still am, a jocular person. Hehehe. It was late in the evening. The nurse wheeled my wife to the emergency department before proceeding to the labour room.

I was not at all nervous or having anxiety whatsoever. So, I waited patiently outside the labour room. Looking at other would be parents, I slowly approached a man, younger than I was. He looked nervous and he just kept looking the floor.

After saying my assalamualaikum, I put my hand on his shoulder and quipped

"Your first baby?"

He just nodded his head.

After talking to him for a few minutes, he started to smile and asked my situation. Laughingly I said "I killed a few chicken while riding on a motorbike before Subuh, looking for the village midwife when my wife suddenly went into labour the first time"

It was well after 8 and we were still talking when the door open and we heard the loud crying of a new born...

It was my second son, Muhammad Akmal, wailing his lung out.

I left my new found friend, and walked beside my wife to the ward. I spent sometime with my wife and our new born until I was asked to leave the ward. So I left after the female guard brought along another male guard to make sure that I left the ward.

The next day, when everything was in order, I brought my wife and our new baby home.

The rest is history...


Sometimes I envy those fathers who stopped by the road side to prepare milk for their babies.....


  1. Dik Man, you can still have another one, kan. Go for it.
