Saturday 28 January 2012

I was not raised at your house.

There are two sides of a coin. Two different sides make a coin.

We have different opinions on a same subject matter. We see the same thing from different angle. We differ in interpretations on matters close to our hearts. Even siblings can't see eye to eye on certain issues even though they were raised by the same parents.

Why we argue? Why we belittle others just because we have differing views? Why must we show our ignorance in the name of democracy? Why should we expand our stupidity in the name of human rights?

When we judge others, most likely we use our own standards as yardstick. Then of course, we are always right and they are always wrong. But then again, when they judge us, they use their sets of values to condemn us. 2 x 5 = 10.

We have a lot of similarities, yet we choose to highlight our differences. Maybe this differences being highlighted aggressively by those in the circles of influence indicate their true strategy to be in the forefront all the times. Divide the masses and be a hero.

You forced, influenced and persuaded me to agree with you. And you refused to listen to my side of the story. Do you realise that we experienced life differently?

And, I was not raised at your house!

1 comment:

  1. Try to look at the different perspective of view. Try to value and appreciate differences. That why we get married. Husband and wife were both raised in different houses, not from the same house. Because we appreciate differences, that's why we get married to different gender! Not to the same gender!
